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  • Writer's pictureChidubem Osuji

Covid-19 Deaths.

Updated: Dec 28, 2022


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment while some will become seriously ill and require medical attention. The dataset was downloaded as a CSV file and contains data from 24th February 2020 to 2nd November 2021. The different parameters were extracted and saved as two different excel worksheets. These worksheets were imported into Microsoft SQL Server and queried to get some information.

In Nigeria, the Death percentage was high in April and May 2020 ranging between 3.0-3.6%. The date with the highest death percentage was May 2nd, 2020 with 3.55%.

The population in Nigeria was infected most in March 2020. It maintained a high percent of 9.46 for 8 days from March 9th -16th, 2020.

As of early November 2021, Montenegro has 23% of its population infected with COVID-19. It is the highest worldwide, followed by Seychelles at 22%. Micronesia has the lowest with 0.00086% of its population infected with COVID-19.

For the queried data to be visualized, I copied the query results into Microsoft Excel saving them as different worksheet files. Later on, these files were imported into Tableau Public.

The global number of total Covid-19 cases till 2nd November 2021 is 246,947,708 and the total deaths are 4,996,649 with 2.02% as death percentage.

Montenegro has the highest percentage of the infected population at 23, followed by Seychelles at 22 while Micronesia has o.00086% infected population.

Europe has the highest number of deaths; this is followed by Asia and the least is Oceania with 2,856.



  1. Observe the WHO regulatory rules for minimizing the spread of the virus.

  2. Countries in Europe, Asia, North and South America should enforce strict observation of the WHO regulatory rules to reduce the spread of the virus.

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1 Comment

Wendy Osuji
Wendy Osuji
Jan 01, 2022

The accuracy and clarity are top notch. This is beautiful

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