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  • Writer's pictureChidubem Osuji

Mobile Subscribers.


The dataset contains customer subscriptions to some mobile services and insurance with different payment methods. There are 7,043 subscribers with 3,632 admin tickets and tech tickets of 2,955. The monthly charges and total charges summed to 456,116.60 and 16,056,168.70 respectively.

Firstly, I loaded the data into power query, made some changes to the column names and then created pivot tables using the data query.

The churned customers make up 26.54% of subscribers with 885 admin tickets and 73.54% of tech tickets. 50.24% of churned customers are female. 1,200 out of 1,869 customers don’t have a partner while 35.79% have a partner. 82.56% of churned customers don’t have a dependent while 17.44% have dependents.

For services, 45.96% of churned customers subscribed to Ayoba, 69.4% and 24.56% were subscribed to the Fiber Optic and DSL internet service respectively. 1,869 (84.86%) customers churned from Music Time, churned customers from Streaming TV and Streaming Movies are 814 and 818 i.e., 43.55% and 43.77% respectively.

For insurance, churned customers from Device Protection are 29.16%, 15.78% from Online security and 1,400 (74.91%) from aYo insurance.

1,655 i.e., 88.55% churned customers were on a month-to-month contract. 27.98% have Global connect and 55.48% were customers for a year.

For payment method, electronic check has the most churned customers with 57.30% and the credit card has the least with 12.41%. 310 customers churned from Mobile Money (MoMo) and 25% churned from paperless billing.



  1. 669 churned subscribers with partners have 1,268 tech tickets compared to 1,200 subscribers without partners with 905.

  2. Month-to-month contract customers have the highest churn probably due to poor satisfaction of service the first month.

  3. Churned subscribers without dependents make up 82.56% with 1,678 tech tickets.

  4. Overall, churned customers have 73.54% Tech tickets which may be due to pending issues or poor resolution of issues. Therefore, pending Tech tickets should be efficiently.

Dataset details

Playground - Festman Data Challenge

Name - Mobile Subscribers

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